Textbook 1
"Pour les francophones qui veulent parler tchèque" (Volume 1) is a modern textbook of contemporary Czech for French-speaking foreign learners from beginning to intermediate levels. Its aim is to present the principles of the Czech langauge in the most accessible form. Our textbook is communicative – you will learn the principles of Czech by means of the conversational method.
Through rich conversation you will be able to use the language in all spheres of social life: in the city, at the hotel, in restaurants, shops, post offices, and other places of business; at the station, airport, customs office, on the highway and so on. You will be able to make appointments and give invitations, as well as to conduct both social conversations and simple negotiations in Czech.
At the same time, you will be learning the necessary grammar: the 15 lessons contain the basic grammatical system of the Czech language. The grammatical tables at the end of the textbook (easy-to-survey charts of declension, conjugation and prepositions) will help you to gain a complete view of the Czech grammatical system.
The textbook contains
- Introduction to Czech phonetics
- Introductory picture-lesson (Lesson 0) "Just listen and repeat"
- 15 lessons; each lesson is conceived as a lexical unit
- Basic social phrases "What do we say?"
- Public notices
- Grammatical tables
- Key to the exercises including the translations of the dialogues in Lessons 1–6 for a better understanding of Czech sentences at the start of your studies
- Czech-French dictionary
- Grammatical index
The introductory picture-lesson will enable you to begin to understand Czech by hearing Czech pronunciation and learning the most common expressions. Knowledge of these expressions will help you to learn grammar in the lessons that follow. You will achieve the correct pronunciation by repeating the words and sentences as spoken by your teacher or on the audio recording.
Each lesson has the following scheme:
- Basic vocabulary of the lesson
- Grammar (Gr)
- Dialogues and exercises (Cv) aimed at mastering the grammar
- Text 1 and Text 2 relating to the topic of the lesson
- Exercises aimed at mastering the vocabulary and sentence structure
- Model conversational exercises relating to the given topic ("Oral exercises")
Cahier d´Exercices
Les 15 leçons de ce Cahier d´Exercices correspondent aux 15 leçons du Manuel – pour ce qui est du vocabulaire et, de la grammaire. Les leçons contiennent differents exercices lexicaux et grammaticaux, des exercices de communication et des textes aux thèmes différents. La leçon 16 est une leçon de révision. Vous pouvez travailler seul, avec quelqu’un ou en groupe. Ces exercices sont d’un autre genre que ceux du Manuel. Ils vous aideront à acquérir les notions de la langue – structures grammaticales, vocabulaire, compréhension, expression écrite et orale des thèmes correspondants. Vos connaissances linguistiques et capacités d’expression seront approfondies. Les exercices contiennent seulement le vocabulaire et la grammaire vus dans le Manuel, les nouveaux mots étant cités au fur et à mesure. A la fin du Cahier, vous trouverez la liste des éléments grammaticaux pour une meilleure orientation.
Audio recording
An audio recording accompanies the lesson material of the textbook 1. The textbook is also suitable for self-study. A complementary Workbook for Volume 1 is available as well.
Textbook 2
“Do you want to speak even better Czech?” is a continuation, as Volume 2, of the textbook “Pour les francophones qui veulent parler tchèque”. The two volumes together form a self contained language course (the basic grammatical system of the Czech language and basic vocabulary in the field of social life).
It repeats the methods used in Volume 1 – with the emphasis on communication.
The textbook is aimed at advanced students – English- and German-speaking foreigners – who have mastered the basic Czech Course to the extent of Volume 1.
Through rich conversation you will come to master the grammar.
The entire Czech grammar is contained in the 10 lessons and in the grammar surveys at the end of the textbook, making the textbook ideal for use as a grammatical handbook, to be consultated when needed while using your Czech. The index of grammatical phenomena is designed for ease of use and orientation. The grammatical passages are therefore relatively extensive, but, by following exactly the instructions in the textbook you will come to master, on the basis of the texts and the conversation, the most frequently used aspects of the respective grammatical phenomena. There is therefore no need to fear excessive grammaticism.
Each lesson is conceived as a large thematic unit. In the first 5 lessons you will develop vocabulary in the topics about which you are already able to converse – travelling, social contacts and food. An even more specialized vocabulary, covering the fields of work, economy, services, political life, mass media, culture and science, is introduced in the following five units. The vocabulary of the given field, together with translations, is summed up at the end of each lesson so that the student may, as necessary, revise and broaden their knowledge of the vocabulary of the given field.
The goal of the textbook is not only to improve spoken expression, but also to deepen understanding of the text. When reading the basic text in any paricular lesson (text 1) you should be familiar with all the vocabulary; however the aim of the supplementary text (text 2) is to develop understanding of the content without being familiar with all the vocabulary, as is usual in real life when you encounter Czech texts. The new vocabulary is only given after the text so that the degree to which it will be neceasary to consult these translations will depend on each individual student’s knowledge. The textbook aims to teach the active work within the texts – before text 1 there are grammatical remarks which bring the student’s attention to questions of grammar, and explain new grammatical phenomena, and lexographic remarks which aim to show the affinity between words, their derivation and various word meanings etc. At the end of each lesson the formation of words of a certain meaning (eg persons according to their occupations, names of places, etc) is summarized. The various meanings and idioms formed from the most frequently used Czech verbs (být, dělat, chodit, mít, myslet, psát, brát etc) are also given (Word family).
For the improvement of pronunciation each lesson includes exercises which concentrate on the most difficult speech sounds in Czech, including the tongue twisters.
The textbook is aimed at English- and German-speaking foreigners – the necessary translations and explications are given simultaneously in English and German. Like Volume 1, Volume 2 is also suitable for self-study – all vocabulary is translated and at the end of the textbook there is a key to the exercises.
Each lesson is conceived as a lexical unit with the following scheme:
It is divided into two parts – Part A and Part B.
Part A
- basic vocabulary of the lesson
- grammar (Gr)
- dialogues and exercises aimed at mastering the grammar
- grammatical remarks to Text 1
- lexicographical remarks to Text 1
- Text 1
- exercises aimed at mastering the vocabulary and the sentential structures
- model conversational exercises relating to the given topic
Part B
- grammar (Gr)
- dialogues and exercises aimed at mastering the grammar
- Text 2
- new vocabulary from Text 2
- exercises relating to the vocabulary, sentential structures and the topic of Text 2
- Word family
- Word formation
Summary of the vocabulary relating to the given topic
Audio recording
An audio recording accompanies the lesson material of the textbook 2. The textbook 2 is also suitable for self-study.
Pracovní učebnice 1 - "ZOO"
Základním cílem je co nejrychlejší integrace žáka - cizince do školního kolektivu, proto témata vycházejí z reálných potřeb základní komunikace cizince s učitelem a se spolužáky. Učebnice má pracovní formu, je využitelná k individuální i skupinové výuce. Obsahově se zaměřuje na konkrétní předměty a situace s využitím obrázků. Lze ji využít i pro žáky bez znalosti písma. Nabízí i aktivity, které vnášejí do výuky hravost a zábavu.
Pracovní učebnice 2 - "Aquapark"
Základním cílem je co nejrychlejší integrace žáka - cizince do školního kolektivu, proto témata vycházejí z reálných potřeb základní komunikace cizince s učitelem a se spolužáky. Učebnice má pracovní formu, je využitelná k individuální i skupinové výuce. Obsahově se zaměřuje na konkrétní předměty a situace s využitím obrázků. Lze ji využít i pro žáky bez znalosti písma. Nabízí i aktivity, které vnášejí do výuky hravost a zábavu.